Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Monday November 08, 2005

I've just got back from a business trip to Tuscany and Umbria.

I'm so used to seeing the parched hills of Sardinia that the kaleidoscopic vibrancy of the red, orange and yellow leaves falling to the ground was an unexpected surprise.

And it was lovely to meet expats and Italians I had only ever networked with virtually - it's always good to put a face to a name.

But being back in Sardinia, I can't complain. It's November and it's still warm enough for me to sit outside as I tuck into a steaming bowl of pasta and enjoy a glass of Giogantinu, the wine that is produced just a few kilometres (yes, I've become European and gone metric) down the road from me.

In moving to Sardinia, I was definitely thrust out of my comfort zone and it took me more than six months to juggle the values I was used to with the values of this treasure island in the Med.

But as I write this on patio overlooking the sea, there's no place I'd rather be.

Emma Bird is the founder of www.howtoitaly.com

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