Thursday, November 10, 2005


Thursday November 10, 2005

Because I'm back in Cagliari for a few days, this morning I popped into the high school I taught English at for two years to say hi to some of the teachers and students.

But instead of spending the 20 minute break with the teachers, I ended up helping my stressed ex-students map out their futures once they graduate next June.

I got them to write down their ideal life starting from when they leave school, asking them to be utterly truthful to themselves and not to conform to what their parents and well-meaning teachers thought they should do.

The exercise clearly energised them as they were much more motivated after the break.

Of course, this quick task is as valid at any stage of life and especially good for the Live-in-Italy project as it helps focus the mind on what you really want.

It is much easier to commit to definite goals than ones that are vague and undefined - plus it gives you a starting point.

After all, as Goethe once wrote: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."

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