Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Living in Sardinia

There was another piece on the Italian telegiornale tonight about the country's ageing population.

One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the falling birthrate. The second reason is because Italians are living longer.

It doesn't surprise me one bit. Since moving to Sardinia three years ago, my health has improved dramatically. I used to be known as the Girl with the Cough and even got kicked out of my shorthand lessons for disturbing other students with my sniffles.

But these days, I don't even get as much as a runny nose in winter. My spots have cleared up and my skin glows from being toxin-free.

And I put it all down to eating a preservative-free diet and fresh fruit and vegetables which have been grown nearby. My olive oil is pressed by a friend and the wine I drink with my meals comes from vinyard down the road.

I used to be a self-confessed urbanite but now I'm a beach junkie.

Why would I want to live anywhere else?

Emma Bird is the co-director of www.howtoitaly.com

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