Saturday, September 30, 2006


Am in a bit of shock. Didn't actually expect quite so many people to have bought Starting a Business in Italy: how to set up and run a successful business in the Bel Paese yesterday. But judging from the amount of receipts and order numbers people sent me wanting to claim their all their special bonuses, they did.

Of course, special thanks go to Nicola Schroeder (read all about her in the book) who lives in Alghero and who runs Pintadera language school for her generous 15 per cent discount off courses. Her school is small but friendly and professional and has had rave reviews. Check it out at

And then I need to mention expat extraordinaire Jo Parfitt of Not only has Jo lived all over the world, she's a dab hand at reiventing herself and finding herself work wherever she goes. She has built a business around other people doing the same and has written loads of books on the subject including The Expat Entrpreneur and A Career in Your Suitcase. Now she helps people write their own books and launch a freelance journalism career. So thanks for all her freebies, including So You Want to Write a Book and Powertools for Publicity.

Emma Bird is the director of

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