Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Great start to the New Year

This post has been a long time coming and it's all due to the ODTRC (oh-dear-the-roof-collapsed) saga and working out what to do next.

What did happen is that we no longer employed the builders to do the rennovations on our house but to knock it down completely. So now we just have a plot of land which all the neighbours like to look at and let us know exactly what we should be doing with it.

On the upside, we are now the proud owners of a pretty granite-brick well that the builders discovered during the demolition.

But after a two-week break back in the UK, we've been drawing up plans for a completely new house and are speaking with the geometra tonight.

Who knows? If my dreams come true for 2007, I'll have the house of my dreams by the end of the year.

Emma Bird is the director of www.howtoitaly.com and the co-author of Starting a Business in Italy: how to set up and run a successful business in the Bel Paese

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